...and what do you do?

I am an artist and a writer. I do those things for most of the day.

The rest of the time I jog, walk, work with my kettlebell, stretch, dance, strength train, and practice bellydance and strip dance choreography—both of which I expect will just keep getting more and more interesting as the weight comes off. What I do depends on the day, what I did the day before and how feisty or sexy I feel or want to feel.

I ride. Most days I ride indoors on my trainer because I am not yet comfortable enough riding on the street with cars. I also need a helmet before I can even consider trying. So far I can comfortably ride for about two hours averaging 10 MPH. I interval train most of the time so sometimes I am pedaling like I'm being chased by a werewolf but generally I like to keep a steady pace, like a metronome.

I also practice yoga. I believe in yoga as a life practice, not necessarily just a class you go to for an hour. I do a lot of the asanas you may have seen or read about but sometimes my yoga is just sitting quietly and meditating, equally as important. It keeps me from being a moody, rage-filled demon. It keeps me focused and centered and whole.
But really, it keeps me from being a moody, rage-filled demon—very, very important.