I am vegetarian.
I eat beans, lentils, tofu, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, okara, curries, burritos, sushi, coconut taro boba tea...nom.
I am a foodie though not a Gourmande, the difference is that I am fun to cook with.
I mostly eat whole foods, very little prepackaged or processed. I do not eat any dairy (or honey) out in the world; this means I keep vegan in restaurants and at parties and such, though I don't eat out much. It's not a hardship. I was vegan for over a year, I know how to roll. At home, I eat a little dairy of the full-fat persuasion.
I have a lot to say about being vegan vs. being vegetarian vs. being a raw, organic, seasonal, locavore vs. not caring about from where and how your food came to you and what effect that has on the world. But this is not my veg soapbox—if you'd like to know, ask.
I notice that the first thing people tell you when you mention that you'd like to get healthy or lose weight (though often the assumption is that "getting healthy" means losing weight) is to stop drinking soda and to drink more water.
One thing you'll never read here is about my battle to drink more water. 90% of what I drink is water. I do not drink alcohol and I usually do not drink anything fizzy or super-sweet. That's not a diet thing. I've always been that way about sugar.
I am trying to teach myself to drink green tea because it is so darn good for me. Trouble is, I really only like green tea ice cream and I do not have an ice cream maker anymore. :(
I am a baker. I'm really good at it.
I am a cook. I'm pretty good at it.
I do not like to eat. I'm really bad at it.
I'm getting better. I like the taste of food but I resent it for needing to be eaten all the damn time. I eat all day long, this happens when you need well over 1400 calories in a day but most of your food is super low-calorie, so I quickly tire of eating and I get full fast. Do not mistake this for me trying to starve myself. I remember when I had an eating disorder and was ACTUALLY trying to starve myself. It sucked. I'm not going to do that again. This is more of a constant vigilance thing. I have to always be thinking about eating or else I do not eat enough.
I usually weigh my food. I know how to estimate portion sizes. I take a vegan multivitamin, get plenty of protein and I am all over my B12 levels. No worries.
1. a bicycle ride of 100 miles, a major accomplishment for a cyclist. 2. my journey to lose 100 pounds and ride a century.