October is over already? WTHeck?
I weighed in a little while ago and, having just eaten and it was not first thing in the morning, I was 235 which is awesome considering I started over 270. No fads, no crunches, no gimmicks...okay, a few crunches, and I'm down 41 pounds since July. About ten pounds a month, not too bad, eh?
And that was about two weeks ago so who knows now?..I know that my pants are falling off again. I have zero pants that fit. And zero workout gear.
That's become sort of a big self-perception hurdle. Losing weight but not being able to afford new clothes. Because you feel kick-ass right after a workout but then you have to put on the same old clothes that don't fit and you feel like a hobo.
And knowing that even if I do scrape the forty bucks together for a new pair of pants, they're not gonna fit in a month or so anyway. Disposable pants. Grr. And workout gear? Isn't the point, if I am doing it right, to lose weight? So I size myself right out of the eighty dollar moisture wicking jersey and the hundred dollar sports bra and the sixty-five dollar bike shorts. So frustrating.
But you can't complain about this phenomenon to most because what they hear is still just, "Woe is me, I'm losing weight," and they want to smack you.
I am on a rest-ish day and I am starting a recovery week today. My neck has been not so happy with me lately and I am planning on starting an outdoor walk/jogging routine soon; I want to give myself a clean bill of health before getting into that. Calories appropriately reduced though I think I am going to have to break from my desk and eat a real lunch soon—the banana I had on the way back from the grocery store just isn't cutting it. I still have that tendency to just not eat if I don't have to. If there's no one around to notice, if I am not starving from a hard workout, any other reason that seems rational at the time but totally isn't. I suppose it's just one of those things. Once an eating disorder, always an eating disorder. I just have to be aware of it and do what I can to rise above.
So, tomato soup and spinach, I think. Because I am all out of asparagus.
1. a bicycle ride of 100 miles, a major accomplishment for a cyclist. 2. my journey to lose 100 pounds and ride a century.
Thanks for this helpful post.