Tuesday, August 16, 2011


After only a few go'rounds with a new strength routine I can do body-weight triceps presses. There's nothing quite like that feeling of being able to do something that once felt impossible.

My body is changing by the day it seems, certainly I can feel changes. The other night I went to put my hair up and I noticed the muscles of my forearm moving under the skin and thought, Well that's new. And that sort of thing happens every day. It's like unwrapping a new toy every time I wake up. I hope people who don't have to lose weight still get to feel like this.

I still have no idea of my weight but I am about to go out of town again and will probably get a chance to weigh myself then. It's tough to escape completely the tyranny of those numbers, mentally but I am trying to remember how INCREDIBLE I feel after a great workout and keep telling myself that that is what matters.

In the meantime, I have to go shower, I just kicked my own ass. Triceps presses, mermaids, pushups, standing obliques...my whole body is still warm and I finished about an hour ago. Seriously. I can think of only a few things that feel better than this.

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